Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Beck Co-Author Throws Tantrum About Gay Parents
I knew Joshua Charles was a Worldnetdaily columnist, but I didn’t know he was the co-author of a book with Glenn Beck until Right Wing Watch pointed that out. In a new WND column, Charles absolutely loses his shit over the idea of gay people being parents, calling it “disgusting” and “evil.” I’ve been seeing […]
Monday, March 30, 2015
Carly Fiorina Slanders Government Employees
Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard who says she’s 90% sure she’s going to run for the Republican presidential nomination, threw some red meat to the right wing by casually slandering a few million government employees by claiming they just sit around watching porn all day. Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is […]
Epstein 1, Silverman 0
As a follow up to the special about atheists, CNN invited some prominent atheists — all white men, of course — to give their answers to a set of common questions, including Jerry Dewitt, Greg Epstein and Dave Silverman. The answers to this question jumped out at me: Why are there so many names for […]
Obama Files State Secrets Privilege in Private Lawsuit
For the first time I’m aware of, the federal government has intervened in a private defamation suit and got the entire case dismissed by asserting the State Secrets Privilege. With no information being given even to the lawyers on either side, the judge dismissed the case based solely on the government’s claim that it could […]
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Stupid Atheist Meme of the Day
I’ve decided to do a new running feature here at Dispatches, in which I debunk and ridicule stupid memes I see being shared by my fellow atheists. I see them so often that I could make a whole blog out of just that idea. Here’s the first one: All nonsense. Thomas Jefferson was not a […]
Friday, March 27, 2015
How to Tell When God is With You
Another tornado his Moore, Oklahoma this week, thankfully doing little damage compared to the one two years ago that devastated the entire community and left little but rubble in its wake. As so often happens, though, a Christian in the area saw something that resembled a cross and got all weepy-eyed over it. Just found […]
A Word from Rabbi Schulman - 3/27/15
I am a great believer in the power of Jewish summer camps to positively impact the lives of young people. The opportunity to be in an all-embracing Jewish environment is incredibly enriching for students of all ages. I know that many parents in our congregation support the idea of their kids going to camp, but it can be a challenge to afford the thousands of dollars it costs to attend a sleep-away camp. That is why I am so proud that our congregation makes available scholarships for families
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Trump Goes Birther on Cruz
Within hours of Ted Cruz announcing his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump had gone full birther on him. His argument is patently false, of course, but that’s true of all birther arguments. He thinks it’s as simple as you have to be born in the United States. Real estate tycoon Donald Trump […]
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Rohrer’s Theocratic Vision for America
Sam Rohrer, the founder of the American Pastors Network that hosted a conference in Pennsylvania last week, recently replied to an inquiry by Warren Throckmorton by saying that he didn’t find any of the accusations against David Barton to be credible. Now we know why: They share a love of theocracy. The Biblical Relationship: Pastors […]
Koreans Have An Insatiable Appetite For Watching Strangers Binge Eat
What's behind the curious food fad of mukbang, or live-streamed broadcasts of people eating endless amounts of food? The genre is so popular in South Korea that its stars pull in $10,000 a month.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Christian Privilege Rears Its Head in Florida
Here’s a textbook example of Christian privilege. Remember that woman who tore down the satanic holiday display at the state capitol in Tallahassee, Florida? All charges against her have now been dropped even though she admitted to doing it and is on video doing it. Susan Hemeryck was arrested just before Christmas after she attempted […]
Requiring Businesses to Advertise Their Discrimination
As more and more states move to pass laws that would allow businesses to discriminate, some people are offering up what I think is a great idea: If they’re going to be allowed to discriminate, they should have to put up a sign announcing their intention to do so and to name those they will […]
Your Mental Health Did you know visiting us might be just what you need to help your mental state? The costs of mental health care are on the rise all around the globe. Chiropractic care offers a more cost-effective option to maintain the health of your mind and body. Studies have been done on the […]
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Satan 1, God 0
A Baptist church in Knoxville, Tennessee stirred up some controversy last week by putting up a sign that said, “Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights.” Sounds like a great argument in favor of Satan to me, how about you? And the defense offered was delightfully goofy. But Pastor Tony Greene insisted that […]
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Gohmert Wants to Bomb Iran, Thinks Public Supports It
Rep. Louis Gohmert, who really has to be the dumbest man in Congress, thinks the United States should bomb Iran right now and thus launch another war in the Middle East with all the attendant human, financial and geopolitical costs. And he wrongly thinks the American public agrees with him. During an appearance on yesterday’s […]
Friday, March 20, 2015
Carson Displays His Total Ignorance of Foreign Policy
Ben Carson gave an interview to Hugh Hewitt, undoubtedly a friendly face who hoped Carson would do well answering his questions on foreign policy. Unfortunately for him, the answers were so utterly clueless that Hewitt himself seemed taken aback by it. When Hewitt asked whether NATO countries should be willing to go to war if […]
Christian Leaders to Call for Vague, Unspecified Civil Disobedience
For months, Christian right leaders have been demanding that Christians engage in civil disobedience over same-sex marriage and now a group of very prominent leaders are now preparing a statement doing so again. What has still never been defined is what exactly they plan to do, or could do, that wouldn’t already be allowed. A […]
Thursday, March 19, 2015
3 Food Initiatives That Could Transform West Oakland’s Food Desert
Three initiatives close to the hearts of food-justice activists are picking up steam and promise to bring real and lasting change for the West Oakland neighborhood.
Barton Keeps Telling the Same Long-Debunked Lie
One of the lies that David Barton tells in his appropriately titled book The Jefferson Lies is that Jefferson wanted to free his slaves but couldn’t because Virginia law forbid what was called manumission. It’s been debunked many times, but Warren Throckmorton catches him telling the same lie twice in recent weeks. In our book […]
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Roy Moore’s Son Arrested for Drugs Again, Blames Liberals
Roy Moore’s son Caleb was arrested for drug possession — again — on Sunday after a search of his vehicle showed a bag of marijuana and Xanax pills for which he did not have a prescription. Naturally, he blames it all on a witch hunt by those evil liberals against his oh-so-saintly father. Caleb Moore, […]
Saturday, March 14, 2015
The Life of a Former Fetus
Texas Right to Life has been distributing signs to state legislators there declaring them to be a “former fetus.” Like Rep. Jonathan Strickland, who put this sign outside his office: But why would you want to be a former fetus? Only fetuses matter. The moment you’re born, you’re useless and evil. It’s all that original […]
Friday, March 13, 2015
CAAMFest 2015: This Year’s Festival is Full of Food Films
CAAMFest, the largest film festival of its kind in North America featuring Asian and Asian American film, food and music, comes back to San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley March 12-22. This year’s festival is full of food films. Four documentary food programs will make their world premiere right here in the Bay Area.
Blackwell Blames Dan Savage for Racist Frat Video
Sometimes wingnuts say things that just leave me scratching my head. Okay, so they do that every day. But this one really leaves me baffled. Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State and now a Family Research Council, somehow manages to blame Dan Savage for that racist Oklahoma frat video. On yesterday’s edition of “Washington […]
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Robertson: Quit Your Job or You’ll Catch The Buddhist
It’s a day ending in Y, so Pat Robertson must have given a staggeringly stupid answer to a viewer email. This time it’s a woman who works with a bunch of Buddhists. Pat told her that she needs to quit her job or she might catch the dreaded disease of Buddhism. “I work in an […]
No, the Republican Letter to Iran Isn’t Treason or Sedition
My Facebook feed has been filled up by people claiming that the idiotic open letter from 47 Senate Republicans to the leadership in Iran was treason. Some have claimed it was, instead, sedition. Such claims are total bullshit and are exactly the kind of wildly exaggerated rhetoric we hear from, and criticize on, the right. […]
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Legal Scholars Argue for Gender Discrimination Ruling
A group of prominent legal scholars — Ilya Somin, Andrew Koppelman, Stephen Clark, Sanford Levinson, Irina Manta and Erin Sheley — have filed an amicus brief in the same-sex marriage cases arguing that they should be treated as gender discrimination cases. I’ll explain why this is important after a brief excerpt from the brief: Each […]
Jeb’s New Adviser: Jordan Sekulow
In an obvious attempt to shore up his standing with the Christian far-right, Jeb Bush has hired Jordan Sekulow as a senior adviser to his presidential campaign. Jordan, the son of infamous Christian right lawyer Jay Sekulow and an attorney himself, is a raging bigot and a massive hypocrite on religious freedom. Salon runs down […]
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Warren Mayor Really Wants You to Know He’s On God’s Side
Jim Fouts, the mayor of Warren, Michigan, recently lost a lawsuit over his refusal to allow an atheist city resident to set up a “reason station” in city hall where there has been a prayer station for years, costing the city $100,000 in the process. But he wants you to know that he’s still totally […]
WND Spreads Absurd Lie About Egypt, Clinton and Obama
The Worldnetdaily and many other right wing “news” outlets are pushing this ridiculous rumor that Egypt has charged President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for aiding the Muslim Brotherhood, which the current Egyptian government considers a terrorist group. As usual, this is completely false. A WorldNetDaily report, written by none other than […]
Circadian Surprise: How Our Body Clocks Help Shape Our Waistlines
We have different clocks in virtually every organ of our bodies. But living against the clock — eating late at night or working overnight — may set the stage for weight gain and chronic disease.
Nutrition Is a Valuable Tool
What's in your grocery cart? Staying healthy can be as simple as filling your grocery cart with the right types of foods.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
FDA Tests Turn Up Dairy Farmers Breaking The Law On Antibiotics
Random tests of milk reveal that a few farmers are treating dairy cows with antibiotics that aren't supposed to be used on them. The FDA is now considering tighter controls to prevent such practices.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Robertson: Don’t Attend Son’s Same-Sex Wedding
Pat Robertson, once again displaying his total lack of humanity and compassion, told a viewer who emailed him that she and her husband should refuse to attend their son’s wedding to another man — but of course, they still love him and blah blah blah. “It’s not heterosexual,” Robertson replied thoughtfully. “You don’t agree with […]
Thursday, March 5, 2015
We’re Not Taking Enough Lunch Breaks. Why That’s Bad For Business
Research shows that only 1 in 5 five people take a break and leave their desks to eat. Most workers are simply eating at their desks. But creativity can take a big hit without a change of scenery.
House Funds DHS Without Anti-Obama Provisions
House Speaker John Boehner is again taking enormous heat from the most conservative members of his own Republican caucus and from the usual gang of far-right ideologues, pundits and talk show hosts for bringing a clean funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security to the floor on Tuesday, where it passed easily. The House […]
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Trump ‘80%’ to Run for President, Will Crush Hillary
Donald Trump and his ego put in an appearance at CPAC last week (his ego needed a separate suite) and he did an interview with Bloomberg News in which he said that he was “80%” sure he was going to run for president. I’d say there’s a 99% chance that’s total bullshit. In his ego’s […]
Don’t Miss the Saber-Toothed Cat at the Children’s Natural History Museum
The Children's Natural History Museum was built from Wes Gordon's personal collection. If you recognize the name, that's probably because the Harvard professor and a group of young students—later dubbed "boy paleontologists"—unearthed some famous fossils in Irvington in the 1940s. In Irvington's Bell Quarry, they spent a decade digging up the skeletons of mammoths, mastodons, […]
Wiles: Obama to Declare Himself Communist Dictator in 2015
Far-far-far right wing talk show host Rick Wiles of TruNews radio has put himself on the line. He’s offered up a prophecy that in 2015, President Obama will finally declare himself to be a communist dictator, refuse to give up power in 2017 and do all the other terrible things he’s been predicting all along. […]
Dana Loesch’s Bizarre Idea of Religious Freedom and Discrimination
A panel at CPAC last week featured right wing talk show host, Dana Loesch, Tony Perkins and Rep. Randy Neugebauer discussing religious freedom. Loesch made this absolutely bizarre argument that if we don’t protect the right of Christians to discriminate against gay people, that could lead to gays being stoned in the street. “You don’t […]
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Trump Explains How He Would Fight ISIS
Donald Trump, still pretending that he might actually run for president (and I really hope he does), appeared at CPAC, the only group of people who can still listen to him without giggling. And he offered his vision for how he would fight ISIS, with absolutely no substance whatsoever. In addition to “taking back jobs […]
Badawi May Now Face the Death Penalty
After a few weeks of relatively encouraging signs that perhaps Saudi Arabia might show some leniency to atheist blogger Raif Badawi, things have taken a dramatic turn for the worse. His wife has been informed that they may reopen apostasy charges against him, which would carry the death penalty. Raif Badawi, the Saudi Arabian blogger […]
Rubio’s Ridiculous Foreign Policy Lie
Like the former governors prepping for a run at the Republican presidential nomination, Sen. Marco Rubio tried to burnish his foreign policy credentials at CPAC in another fawning interview at CPAC. His claim that Obama isn’t fighting ISIS and the alleged reasons for that imagined reluctance are laughably ridiculous. Potential 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Marco […]
Notre Dame Gives Benefits to Same-Sex Partners
Last fall, the University of Notre Dame, one of the premiere Catholic universities in the country, decided to extend benefits to the same-sex spouses of faculty and staff after the federal courts overturned Indiana’s ban on same-sex marriage and the Supreme Court rejected a request for a stay of the lower court rulings. University of […]
Monday, March 2, 2015
County GOP: No Premarital Sex or Porn for Candidates
Here’s a story I find amusing. The Laurens County Republican party in South Carolina is forcing candidates to sign a pledge that they won’t have premarital sex or look at pornography. Because good luck finding a way to enforce that or know if someone is doing it. Last Tuesday, the LCGOP unanimously adopted a resolution […]
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