Thursday, April 30, 2015

Why We Can’t Take Chipotle’s GMO Announcement All That Seriously

Chipotle says providing "food with integrity" means dropping genetically modified ingredients. But critics say the company's new policy is inconsistent and even dishonest.

Starnes: Pastors Will Be Arrested for Crimes That Don’t Exist!

Todd Starnes, Fox News’ well-paid professional liar and hysteric, was a guest on Matthew Hagee’s show and spun a lurid tale of how, if the Supreme Court rules for marriage equality, pastors will be arrested for preaching the Bible as a hate crime. “I do believe that if the Supreme Court does move forward and […]

ACLU Sues Over Refusal to Accept Atheist Ad on Buses

The ACLU of Pennsylvania. led by the great Vic Walczak, one of the lead attorneys in the Dover trial a decade ago, has filed suit on behalf of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Freethought Society over a local transit system’s refusal to accept an ad to be placed on buses. The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania […]

Lively: Criminalize Sodomy and Adultery

Alan Colmes did an interview with deranged bigot Scott Lively, who said he’s not anti-gay, he just wants it made illegal to be gay. Along with adultery. It’s important to make it illegal to be gay, he says, so people don’t have sodomy in public. Because that’s obviously a huge problem. Watch the latest video […]

GA Teacher Fired for Out of Bounds Political Statements

Wow, I’m shocked. Remember that teacher in Dublin, Georgia who told her students that if their parents voted for Obama, they can’t be real Christians, the one whose husband is the chair of the school board? She’s actually been fired, much to my surprise. Okay, so she “retired,” but apparently under pressure. Dublin Schools Chuck […]

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Satanic Energy Drink Lady on Same-Sex Marriage

As the Supreme Court has taken up the same-sex marriage cases, lots of protests and counter-protests have taken place around the SC building. One of the people who showed up was Christine Weick, the woman who infamously made the Youtube video claiming that Monster energy drinks are Satanic. Her pronouncements were predictably absurd. As the […]

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fox and Friends and the Flag, Oh My

So you knew that when the bubble-brained triumvirate at Fox and Friends got wind of the police official in Miami who allegedly didn’t put her hand over her heart during the pledge of allegiance, it was going to be a major league derpfest. Here ya go: Ortiz posted a video of Najiy on the police […]

‘Ex-Gay': Some Gay People Don’t Want Gay Marriage. Oh, and Slavery.

One of the wingnuts at that National Press Club press conference was Janet Boynes, an “ex-gay” preacher who somehow thinks it’s relevant that some unnamed gay people don’t support gay marriage. Oh, and if gay people are allowed to get married, that will send her “back to slavery.” See if you can make sense of […]

How the Oral Arguments on Marriage Cases Will Go

Today is the long-awaited oral argument in the four state challenges to bans on same-sex marriage (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee) and SCOTUSBlog has a preview of how everything will go. It’s written for reporters, but it contains a great deal of important information on how exactly the arguments will proceed. The first thing to […]

Monday, April 27, 2015

Santorum’s Warped Thoughts On the Establishment Clause

Rick Santorum is still playing the poor persecuted Christians card, now combining it with a truly bizarre claim that if the Christian right isn’t allowed to do whatever they want to do, including engage in discrimination, this somehow violates the Establishment Clause. Santorum said that the courts and liberal activists have flipped Thomas Jefferson’s famous […]

Albuquerque Cop Faces Misdemeanor Assault Charges

Albuquerque police have become notorious for misconduct and brutality over the last few years, and justifiably so. After a cadet blew the whistle on an officer who turned off his body camera just before beating up a woman, that officer has been arrested by state police and is facing assault charges. We’ve learned one of […]

WND and the ‘Migrant Gravy Train’

The White House announced a strategic action plan to help get immigrants integrated into local communities. The plan includes ways to help them learn English, build job skills and other considerations that can only be seen as healthy. Unless you’re a right wing xenophobe, of course. Then it’s a “secret” plan to “transform America” by […]

RFRA Used to Defend Feeding the Homeless

A chef in San Antonio was given a $2000 citation for feeding the homeless from a food truck in a public park, something she has been doing for many years. According to the local press, she plans on challenging that citation in court citing that state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Joan Cheever, founder of the […]

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lively: Only Mob Violence Can Stop Gay Marriage

Scott Lively is getting more and more strident in his claims about gay marriage. More strident than claiming that the Nazis were really gay? Yep. Now he says that the only way to stop gay marriage in America is for a mob with pitchforks and torches in the streets. The battle today is for marriage, […]

Hagee: Economic Collapse in Fall 2015

John Hagee is using his inane “blood moons” bullshit and another ridiculous bit of Biblical prophecy to predict that there will be a global economic crisis in the fall of this year. I think this is great because it’s actually a testable claim. Coupling his own “blood moons” theory with Jonathan Cahn’s “shemitah year” theory, […]

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Gallagher: Christians Will Need to Rebuild Collapsed Civilization

Maggie Gallagher went on James Dobson’s radio show and continued the bizarre claims coming from the Christian right about how letting gay people get married will destroy all of society. She told him that we’re witnessing the “collapse of civilization” and that Christians will have to rebuild it. Declaring that the push for marriage equality […]

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Farmers Aren’t Rock Stars, But They Might Be At the Next Music Festival

From Coachella to Bonnaroo, are festivals the next breeding ground for the food movement?

Millions Of Chickens To Be Killed As Bird Flu Outbreak Puzzles Industry

A flu strain deadly to chickens and turkeys is striking farms in the West and Midwest. This week, it hit an Iowa facility with millions of egg-laying hens. No one knows how it's entering houses.

Aniki’s Sushi: Japanese Cuisine in Fremont, California

A chic, modern ambiance with an indigo-lit bar and paprika-colored walls greet you when you visit Aniki’s Sushi. In addition to a sumptuous menu of fresh sushi and sashimi, they have some flavorful cooked dishes. Order the Sushi Deluxe and get the chef’s choice of 16 pieces of sushi , plus California roll and spicy […]

Judicial Watch: We Prevented a Terrorist Attack!

The president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, went on Tony Perkins’ radio show and the two of them told a couple of major lies. This is the group that broke the entirely fake story about a terrorist training camp just over the Mexican border. The first lie: This weekend, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins […]

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Shoebat Calls for ‘Slaughter’ of ‘Reprobates’

Theodore Shoebat, the even more extremist offspring of fake “ex-terrorist” Walid Shoebat, is once again calling for the slaughter — his word, not mine — of homosexuals because a gay pride event in Toronto had naked men in it and some children saw it. The Law of God, that says that homosexuals must be put […]

Woman Steals Flag, Resists Arrest, Freaks Out

A group of students at Valdosta State University in Georgia put an American flag on the ground and walked on it as part of a protest over…well, something (they haven’t said, nor do I care). That prompted a woman to go and steal their flag, then resist arrest and demand that the protesters be arrested. […]

Justice Kennedy’s First Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Here’s a fascinating article about a same-sex marriage that took place in 1975 and was declared illegitimate by a federal judge. That federal judge was none other than Anthony Kennedy, who has authored the only three victories for LGBT equality in the history of the Supreme Court. The license shows that Anthony Corbett Sullivan and […]

Monday, April 20, 2015

Dieseltech Owner Tries — and Fails — to Defend Himself

After the uproar over his public declaration that he would refuse to fix the vehicle of anyone who is “openly gay,” the owner of Dieseltec in Grand Rapids posted a lame and dishonest attempt to defend himself to Facebook. He managed to shove a whole lot of stupid and inconsistent into only a few paragraphs. […]

Hobby Lobby 2: Electric Boogaloo

The follow up case to Hobby Lobby is now headed toward the Supreme Court and that means we’ll get to find out whether the conservative majority actually meant what they said in that ruling about whether the secondary accommodation being constitutional. Some background for those who might not remember the details. The Hobby Lobby ruling […]

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Terrorists Don’t Attack US to Not Embarrass Obama

Dan Klein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, went on quite a rant this week on Sandy Rios’ radio show about how Obama is letting terrorists cross the border to destroy America. And he said the only reason the terrorists aren’t attacking is so they don’t embarrass their buddy, President Obama. “For a […]

Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Lawyer’s Genius Response to Bigoted Grand Rapids Mechanic

I wrote yesterday about the truck mechanic in Grand Rapids who posted a idiotic, bigoted rant on Facebook about how he would refuse to accept gay people as customers. A bankruptcy attorney in town posted this absolutely brilliant response to his own Facebook page: Dear Dieseltec: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jeffrey […]

How The Food Industry Relies On Scientists With Big Tobacco Ties

Critics of the system that ushers food products to market say it is rife with conflicts of interest. When scientists depend on food companies for work, they may be less likely to contest food safety.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lapin: Gay Men Attracted to Manly, Rugged Muslim Terrorists

Daniel Lapin is the Christian right’s favorite rabbi. Where most Jewish people would be appalled by views that can only be described with the phrase “you gotta be fucking kidding me,” the Christian fundamentalists love him for espousing those very same views. Like this steaming pile of stupid: Asked by host Tony Perkins why “the […]

Cop Admits to Planting Drugs, Shaking Down Dealers Routinely

A bunch of cops in Philadelphia were arrested by the FBI for allegedly planting drugs on suspects and stealing cash and drugs from dealers for more than two decades. One of the officers is the star witness, testifying that this was standard operating procedure in the department. A disgraced ex-police officer testifying against his drug […]

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gary Cass: Beware the Gay Abortionists

Gary Cass is one of the more ridiculous of B-team Christian right types. The guy who created the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission has a podcast now, on which he delivers crucial warnings to his followers to beware of those evil gay abortionists who are out to destroy God and cute kittens. On the most recent installment, […]

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Redistribute California’s Water? Not Without A Fight

What's a fair way to divide up California's scarce water? The current system relies heavily on history: Some farmers will get water, others won't, based simply on when their land was first irrigated.

Reisman and Liberty Counsel File Weird Brief in Marriage Cases

Just when you think the briefs filed in the Supreme Court same-sex marriage cases can’t get any weirder or irrelevant, think again. Liberty Counsel has now filed a brief on behalf of Judith Reisman, an anti-gay, Puritan crackpot who thinks porn creates brain-rotting “erototoxins” in viewers. And this is truly one of the most bizarre […]

Vander Plaats: God Might Get Us for Allowing Wiccan Prayer

Last week the Iowa House of Representatives had an opening invocation given by a Wiccan priestess and, naturally, the Christian right is flipping out about it. Bob Vander Plaats of the Iowa Family Leader told an event he hosted this weekend that it might cause God to exact some retribution. In the end, the group […]

Calebrese’s HIlarious Obliviousness on Gay Conversion Therapy

President Obama came out last week in favor of a ban on children being forced by their parents to undergo “gay conversion therapy” to try to turn them straight. Such “therapy” is horrible and dangerous and makes things far worse for gay teenagers. Dan Calabrese, who runs Herman Cain’s website, amusingly contradicts himself about it. […]

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Why The FDA Has Never Looked At Some Of The Additives In Our Food

In recent decades, the number of food additives has skyrocketed from about 800 to more than 10,000. A legal loophole in food safety law means companies can add them to foods with no government review.

Monday, April 13, 2015

What Fischer Thinks Caused ‘Noah’s Flood’ This Week

It’s always amusing to hear what the Christian right thinks caused “Noah’s flood” at any given time. Some have amusingly claimed that it was caused by gay marriage, without evidence of course. Now Bryan Fischer says it’s because they didn’t use the death penalty — on God’s orders, by the way. As Fischer explained it, […]

Springtime Grilling: Grilled, Marinated Five-Spice Spring Lamb Chops

These succulent lamb chops are marinated in a spiced, darkly sweet sauce with plenty of garlic. Grilling them adds a smoky note to the tender meat.

Michigan Couple Steals From Mother to Buy Weapons Arsenal

A husband and wife team, both school bus drivers, have been arrested and charged with embezzlement and other crimes. They allegedly stole tens of thousands of dollars from the wife’s sick mother and used it to buy a massive arsenal of weapons for their basement bunker. Steve Nick, 33, and his wife, Sarah, 32, of […]

Geraldo Rivera, Apologist for Murder

The cold-blooded murder of Walter Scott in South Carolina by a cop named Michael Slager, caught on video in stark detail, once again has some of the nation’s worst people becoming apologists for the killing of innocents. Horrible person Geraldo Rivera adds his racist assholery to the discussion: Unlike the video taken by Feidin Santana […]

Sunday, April 12, 2015

South Carolina Files Appalling Brief in Marriage Cases

Add the state of South Carolina to the long list of interested parties to file a brief in the marriage cases that asserts a truly appalling position on the question. But this one is particularly bad because it focuses on what the 14th Amendment does and does not allow. Spoiler alert: It allows damn near […]

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Making Every Drop of Water Count

It’s true. California produces over half of the country’s fruits and vegetables: roughly 71% of the country’s spinach, 90% of its broccoli, 97% of its plums, and 99% of its walnuts—and that’s just the tip of the fruit (and vegetable) bowl. It’s also true that those crops require billions of gallons of water. But are all farms at fault in this water crisis?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Two Detroit Cops Charged With Robbing Drug Dealers

One of the less talked about problems with the war on drugs has been the serious corruption it has introduced into our police departments and here’s a perfect example. Two Detroit officers have been charged with shaking down drug dealers, stealing their money, drugs and personal property. Two suspended members of the Detroit Police Department […]

Dobson: Marriage Equality Could Cause Civil War

James Dobson participated in a conference call with a number of other well-known Christian right bigots in which he said that if marriage equality comes to America, it could lead to another civil war because of the “level of intensity” the political and legal battles have produced. James Dobson, the founder of the Religious Right […]

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lopez: Pro-Equality Conservatives Being Blackmailed

Robert Oscar Lopez is one of the most extreme anti-gay bigots in the country, if not the world. He’d fit in perfectly in Pakistan. He often writes for the badly misnamed American Thinker and in his latest column he claims that pro-equality conservatives are being blackmailed. While the vast majority of conservative Americans oppose gay […]

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Savage: Obama Sparking ‘White Man’ Revolt

Michael Savage finally tore off the mask, or rather put on the hood, on his radio show last week when he took a page from the white supremacist page and predicted that the “white man” was going to revolt and it will all be Obama’s fault for pushing those peaceful, tolerant men to finally snap. […]

Zieve: Obama Submits America to Iran and Islam

Of all the minor characters on the far right, I’m not sure there are any more ridiculous than Sher Zieve. She blathers on ignorantly with all kinds of bizarre conspiracy theories on half the wingnut websites in existence, including BarbWire. Her latest column there begins with some internalized misogyny: While all too many of the […]

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kincaid: Justices Who Struck Down DOMA are ‘Insane’

Like seemingly every right wing crackpot, Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media has a very poorly produced online “show” where he regales a few dozen people with his bizarre views every week. Last week, he told them that Supreme Court justices who overturned DOMA should be removed from office and put in straitjackets. Kenney said […]

Christian Right Freaks Out About Indiana RFRA ‘Fix’

As I’ve pointed out, the “fix” or “clarification” that was appended to Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act does virtually nothing of substance. It does not prevent anti-gay discrimination in the least. But the Christian right is absolutely losing their minds over it anyway. “Nothing in this law would enable a small business to refuse to […]

Fox and Friends Rages Against Anti-Discrimination Protection for Atheists

Madison, Wisconsin just became the first city in the country to explicitly protect atheists against discrimination in hiring, housing and public accommodation. Naturally, Fox News is throwing a fit about it. Tucker Carlson and his fellow dolts on Fox and Friends explain how terribly oppressive it is: While Fox News cheered on the Indiana “religious […]

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Happy Spring!

Everything is starting to bud and bloom! What are you doing to enjoy this lovely change in weather?

The Prayer Warriors are Descending on New York City

Cindy Jacobs, my favorite fake “prophet,” says that the economy is on shaky ground, so she’s taking a team of “prayer warriors” to New York City for…what? A prayerathon? A pray-in on Wall Street? A group pray-off between two groups called the Sharks and the Jets? Praying for the Economy Also, people have asked questions […]

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Klingenschmitt Apologies to Everyone But God

After initially refusing to apologize for or retract his bizarre claim that the horrific gutting of a pregnant woman in Colorado was the result of the “curse of God upon America,” now Gordon Klingenschmitt has flip flopped and is apologizing for it. “I do want to apologize for my words last week,” Klingenschmitt said, “because […]

Mikey Gets Email

I always enjoy the hate mail that Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation forwards to me and this one I found particularly amusing. It’s got all the usual stuff, including the old blood libel against Jews for killing Christ. The title of the email was “Behold the Anti-Christ.” Enjoy. From: Subject: Behold […]